Friday, May 20, 2005

Help me Rhonda. Help, help me Rhonda.

God bless Rhonda!

Today was actually a rather busy day. Despite having seen the first showing of Star Wars Episode 3 the night before, I got up rather early. I showered and shaved, and then made myself some eggs for breakfast. Breakfast is by far my favorite meal of the day, and I regret not having the strength to get up early enough to eat it more. Today, however, I treated myself to two scrambled eggs and some buttered toast. I washed it all down with a cup of tea and some OJ. After my breakfast, I got to work.

I haven't washed my sheets in quite sometime, and God knows how dirty they are, so I figured today would be a good day to that. I spent the rest of my morning washing my bed sheets and towels. I also wanted to make sure that I had clean beach towels for this weekend. My afternoon began with a near catastrophe that ended well. I checked my grade report on OASIS and learned that I had earned straight A's for my last semester at USC. Unfortunately I also checked the degree progress report and it said, "Your BA in Political Science has been denied." I was shocked to say the least. My head filled with visions of summer school, and kids who didn’t care about their education, to quote Colonel Kurtz, “The horror, the horror.”I immediately checked my STARS report and there was no problem. As far as I could tell, I had completed every requirement for my major. So I called the school, and after waiting on hold for what was an interminable amount of time, I finally spoke to a secretary named Rhonda. The conversation went a little something like this:

Me: OASIS says my degree wasn't granted.
Rhonda: Well why is that?
Me: I have no idea. My STARS report, updated 5/19, says I have met all the requirements.
Rhonda: That's odd, what's your social?
Me: 123-45-6789 (not my real social, dumbasses)
Rhonda: Yah beats me. Let me go ahead and change that for you, it'll show up in a sec.
Me: Ok thanks.

So after four years of hard work, and passing all my major and minor requirements, I got a degree thanks to a lady named Rhonda. I love bureaucracy.

So after almost having a heart attack, the day ended up being pretty slow. I played some video games, drank a beer, and read some of my book. Obviously, my degree has prepared me for the future well!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow that was really a close call... thank goodness for rhonda!! I wish i had had such a scrumptious breakfast... i would have added a mimosa!

12:49 PM  

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