Sunday, May 22, 2005

I'm what they call an outlier in communication theory

Today the Angels won their second game in a row against the Dodgers. They won with pitching this time. Now, I am used to seeing an American League lineup with a DH, so it always come as a surprise to see the likes of John Lackey or Jarrod Washburn hitting. Furthermore, without Vlad, GA, and a DH, the Angels' lineup looked pretty bad. However, we won, and you can't argue you with that any day.

Ok, this is going to be a pretty much non-BS entry, so I apologize in advance if you came here expecting to read something completely untrue about me. I just have to get a few things across, with the expectation that people are actually going to believe me. (In re-reading this paragraph before posting, I realize now that it is completely unnecessary. You will too once you finish reading the whole entry.)

Apart from the Angel victory during the absolute hottest part of the afternoon, my day was exceptionally dull. After the game, I discovered a nostalgic feeling for the original Half-Life. Half-Life is a great, story driven game of the first person shooter. Since high school my taste in video games has really matured I think. No longer do I enjoy the mindless shoot 'em games, but rather I prefer games where plot and character development are big part of the experience. Of course I still love playing games against friends, so you can still find me enjoying any of the EA Sports games, or the occasional fighting game. After playing for awhile, I decided to get dinner. Which leads me into an important list. Below you will find a detailed list of all the social interactions I had on Saturday.

Ryan's human interaction for May 21, 2005
1. Said hello to roommate Chris (The only thing said between us all day.)
2. Wendy's drivethrough worker
3. Various short conversations with Adri throughout the day
4. Jack in the Box drivethrough worker

That's pretty much it for every form of communication. Sad, yes, but I'm used to it. Water off a duck's back.

Sweet, I'm rolling now.

So after dinner, which I spent watching all the battle scenes from Gladiator. Connie Nielsen is actually quite stunning in this film I think....shit my brain is being interrupted.

Wow, this entry kind of got sidetracked. I had planned on recording myself playing my keyboard and then posting the file to the blog for everyone to hear. Unfortunately, once I heard myself, I realized how bad I was, and decided not to post the recording. One hour of my life gone.

So since I have absolutely zero flow left for this entry, I will end it. I am going camping for the next couple of days, so I won't be able to post. However, feel free to check back, because I will be posting audioblog entries. Those should be fun.

Adios amigos.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HOORAY camping!!! HOORAY drunken debauchery!!

ps. you're a great pianist!

1:45 AM  

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