I hate the eye doctor. Ok. I know I am alienating a descent segment of population with that statement, but it’s a fact. However, this morning, I put on my
brave face and went to see Dr. Ramos at the Temecula Eye Center.
While in the waiting room I read through a brochure on LASIK eye surgery. Before my exam, I spoke with Dr. Ramos about the possibility of the surgery and he scheduled a consultation for me that very same day. Next came his exam, complete with stinging eye drops, blinding lights of various colors and intensities, and humiliating realization of my blindness. Here is an example of such humiliation:
"Are you sure you can't read that very top line? The line with the one giant letter, that is kind of like an upside down 'E'?"
"You mean a 'W'?" I asked thoughtfully.
"Yeah the 'W'."
"No I can't."
So after another terrible eye doctor's appointment I went to my lasik consultation. Little did I know that I was about to walk into the eye exam from HELL!!! !
Due to the complexity of the surgery, the doctor has to know pretty much every detail of both of my eyes. To learn these, I was subjected to at least six different test which measured cornea dimension, lens dimension, pupil dilation, eye moisture level, myopia, et cetera. The eye moisture test was particularly bad. I had pieces of paper taped on the inside of my eyelid. Each strip of paper was designed to be super absorbent like a giant Kotex factory tampon. (LACY!) I then had to close my eyes for 5 minutes and keep them closed, while the strips sucked every last drop of sweet, sweet moisture from my eyes. Afterwards, they were as dry as an eighty year old vagina.
So after all was said and done, I learned that I was eligible for Lasik in my left eye and Lasek in the right. Lasik involves the cutting of the cornea and folding it back, while Lasek involves removing a couple of layers of cell from the surface of the eye, and then creating an artificial flap. Apparently, I have some thin corneas. If only I had a penny for every time a woman has told me I had thin cornea's...
Whether I go through with the surgery is another thing entirely. Time will tell.